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Creating a personal brand: A 4 part series "Content Creation"

Content creation is the contribution of information to any media and most especially to digital media and social networks. It is important to be consistent and to deliver relevant content to your users. You want people to recognize your brand and know what all you have to offer. Content creation can involve technical work such as building funnels or creative work such as creating branded graphics. You can create special days to post like #MotivationalMonday or share blog posts and relevant 3rd party articles. Let people know what going on with your company but also in your industry, become an authority in your field. Keep your color palette, texts, and visual inspiration in mind when creating content and share the content on all your socials as well as your website so that your content aligns with your brand.

A blog is a great way to communicate with your audience. They get to know you and your brand, even more, it adds another layer to your marketing by providing a voice that aligns with your brand story. Give your audience gems be authentic, and deliver relevant content. For example, if you own a boutique it’d be wise to start a fashion blog where you not only update your readers on the latest fashions but also advertise your own. It would not be wise to own a boutique and start a food blog, because that’s not relevant to your industry or audience. If you don’t feel comfortable writing your own blog you can hire a copywriter they will get a feel for your brand and provide you with the post to do with what you want. Once you have your blog posts created share them with your networks, post them across your socials and on your website. From your blog posts, you can create more content such as branded graphics.

Branded graphics are social media posts that use your brand identity to increase engagement. Your graphics can be inspirational, funny, informative, etc but they must always contain elements of your personal branding and either a logo or web address. Some people are just visual creature and won’t always be pulled in with a blog post so creating visuals that align with your message becomes more attractive. You can take a quote from your blog and add it to a relevant background that creates a nice visual that piques the interest of potential clients.

Potential clients can get turned off when you only share advertisements and promotional post so sharing 3rd party content is a great way to break things up. When you do your research you will find that usually, you aren’t the only one talking about your topic and sharing articles from other publications can help boost your reach. So many people read the Huffington Post and if they post an article about digital marketing and you are a digital marketer sharing the post not only validates what you do but also adds value to the content that you share. Always give credit and cite your sources kids just like in high school.

Creating content can take time but nothing ever worth having comes easy.

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